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Urban Planner and At-large members sought to join the Seattle Design Commission

Mayor Bruce Harrell is recruiting an Urban Planner and an At-Large member to join the Seattle Design Commission. The two-year terms will start in March 2025. We are looking for an urban planner and an at-large member interested in elevating the design of City capital projects (parks, community centers, fire… [ Keep reading ]

Mayor Harrell Announces Proposal to Boost Production of Accessory Dwelling Units for More Diverse Housing Opportunities

Mayor Bruce Harrell announced a package of new legislation to streamline the permitting process and increase production of accessory dwelling units (ADUs) in Seattle, creating more diverse and affordable housing opportunities. ADUs are secondary dwellings located in residential zones. They include detached accessory dwelling units (DADUs), often called backyard cottages,… [ Keep reading ]

A Work in Progress: USDOT’s Reconnecting Communities Pilot

Upcoming EDI Report to City Council

The Equitable Development Initiative (EDI) is at the heart of our commitment to support communities most affected by displacement pressures. Through the EDI grant program, we empower local organizations to acquire sites and develop major capital projects, while also providing the necessary support for organizations that are new to this… [ Keep reading ]

Mayor Harrell Statement on Council Passage of Office-to-Residential Legislation

Mayor Bruce Harrell released the following statement after legislation to support the conversion of existing commercial buildings to residential uses passed unanimously in City Council: “We must take advantage of every opportunity and tool available to create more housing options to address the issues at the root of Seattle’s affordability crisis, which… [ Keep reading ]

EDI Partner Profile: Arte Noir

ARTE NOIR in the Central District is a non-profit arts organization that features Black artists not only from Seattle but from all over the world. Founded by Vivian Phillips, a passionate arts leader with decades of experience advocating for Seattle’s creative community, ARTE NOIR emerged in May 2021 as an… [ Keep reading ]

Cham Refugees Community of Seattle EDI Update: Where Are They Now?

The Cham Refugees Community of Seattle (CRC) is a nonprofit organization that provides Islamic educational, social, and cultural relevant services to Cham and other ethnic minorities in South Seattle and South King County for over 30 years. In May of 2021, we featured our Equitable Development Initiative (EDI) partner for Asian American Native Hawaiian… [ Keep reading ]

Friends of Little Saigon EDI Update: Where are They Now?

Back in 2021, we shared a community profile about Friends of Little Saigon (FLS), an Equitable Development Initiative (EDI) partner, who were in the planning processes for their Little Saigon Landmark Project. The Little Saigon Landmark Project seeks to address displacement amongst local businesses and development pressures due to rising rents and is envisioned to… [ Keep reading ]

Reinventing Cities Seattle Meet-Up Event

Calling all architects, urban planners, developers, investors, environmentalists, start-ups and many more! In February we announced our participation in C40 Cities Reinventing Cities competition for the potential redevelopment of the WOSCA Site on 1st Avenue South. Join us on June 6 at City Hall to learn more about the competition… [ Keep reading ]

One Seattle Plan Virtual Open House, May 2

Our final Draft One Seattle Plan open house is a virtual online meeting and is an opportunity for community members to: This meeting is hosted by Microsoft Teams. You do not need an account to attend the meeting. You do not need to pre-register to attend. You can join the meeting… [ Keep reading ]