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Notice of Availability – One Seattle Plan Final Environmental Impact Statement

Description of Proposal

The Comprehensive Plan is a roadmap for where and how Seattle will grow and invest in communities over the next 20 years and beyond. The Plan guides City decisions about where we locate housing and jobs, and where we invest in transportation, utilities, parks, and other public assets. Seattle last engaged in a citywide process to update our Comprehensive Plan nearly a decade ago. This update provides an opportunity to address persistent and emerging challenges: racial equity, housing costs, access to economic opportunity and education, climate change, and more. The proposed Comprehensive Plan updates goals, policies, and future land use to accommodate growth to the year 2044.

The proposal evaluated in the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) includes:

  • Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan goals, policies and the Future Land Use Map (FLUM) that direct where growth will occur over a twenty year planning horizon (through 2044) to accommodate between 80,000-120,000 new dwelling units and 158,000 new jobs and directs associated investment in city facilities and services to accommodate such growth.
  • Zoning changes to implement the amendments to the Comprehensive Plan goals, policies and the FLUM;
  • Amendments to development standards or new development standards to implement the Comprehensive Plan changes including amended FAR, lot coverage, structure height, setbacks among other standards to implement HB 1110.

This Final EIS responds to comments raised on the Draft EIS and includes additional analysis and a Preferred Alternative. The Draft and Final EIS comprise the entire EIS (hereafter EIS); the EIS covers a wide range of topics including impacts to earth and water quality, air quality and emissions, plants and animals, energy and natural resources, noise, land use patterns, historic resources, population, employment, housing, transportation, public services, and utilities. The Final EIS provides mitigation measures for identified impacts and summarizes whether there are significant unavoidable adverse impacts.

Location of Proposal: The proposal addresses all lands within the City of Seattle.

Timing of the Action: The City Council will consider the proposed update to the Comprehensive Plan and associated rezoning to implement the growth strategy in the Spring of 2025. The City Council expects to take public comment and deliberate on the proposal for several months and is expected to act on the proposal in May of 2025. Additional implementing legislation will be considered by the City Council following adoption of the Comprehensive Plan later in 2025. For more information, please visit the One Seattle Plan website.

Proponent: City of Seattle Office of Planning & Community Development

How to Appeal the Environmental Determination

Appeals of the adequacy of the Final Environmental Impact Statement must be received by the Hearing Examiner no later than 5:00 p.m., Feb 13. Appeals may be filed online at, delivered in person to the Hearing Examiner’s office on the 40th floor of Seattle Municipal Tower at 700 Fifth Ave., or mailed to the City of Seattle Hearing Examiner, P.O. Box 94729, Seattle, WA 98124-4729. (Delivery of appeals filed by any form of USPS mal service may be delayed by several days. Allow extra time if mailing an appeal.) An appeal form is available at

Appeals must be accompanied by an $120 filing fee. The fee may be paid by check payable to the City of Seattle or a credit/debit card (Visa and MasterCard only) payment made in person or by telephone at 206-684-0521. (The Hearing Examiner may waive the appeal fee if the person filing the appeal demonstrates that payment would cause financial hardship.)

The Hearing Examiner Rules and “Public Guide to Appeals and Hearings Before the Hearing Examiner” are available at

Availability of the One Seattle Comprehensive Plan Final Environmental Impact Statement

Copies of the One Seattle Comprehensive Plan Final EIS may be obtained at the following web address (The Public Resource Center is currently closed for in person services.) Interested parties may arrange to obtain an electronic copy of the Final EIS on a USB flash drive free of charge or request a hard copy by contacting

For more information and to view the FEIS and Appendices, visit our One Seattle Plan website.