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Mayor Harrell Announces Proposal to Boost Production of Accessory Dwelling Units for More Diverse Housing Opportunities

Mayor Bruce Harrell announced a package of new legislation to streamline the permitting process and increase production of accessory dwelling units (ADUs) in Seattle, creating more diverse and affordable housing opportunities. ADUs are secondary dwellings located in residential zones. They include detached accessory dwelling units (DADUs), often called backyard cottages,… [ Keep reading ]

Mayor Harrell Statement on Council Passage of Office-to-Residential Legislation

Mayor Bruce Harrell released the following statement after legislation to support the conversion of existing commercial buildings to residential uses passed unanimously in City Council: “We must take advantage of every opportunity and tool available to create more housing options to address the issues at the root of Seattle’s affordability crisis, which… [ Keep reading ]

Mayor Harrell Proposes Legislation to Support the Conversion of Existing Buildings from Commercial to Residential Uses Citywide

Winners of our Office to Residential competition in 2023 with OPCD director Rico Quirindongo and Mayor Bruce Harrell. As part of his Downtown Activation Plan, Mayor Bruce Harrell has submitted new legislation to the City Council aimed at removing regulatory barriers for converting existing buildings from commercial to residential uses. The proposed changes aim to make… [ Keep reading ]

AAPI Heritage Month message from Interim Director Rico Quirindongo

Community Partners, In May, we commemorate Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month, and this year’s commemoration comes at a critical moment — as we emerge from this pandemic and as we seek to elevate and renew the national dialogue on racial equity. Since the opening weeks of this… [ Keep reading ]

Housing Choices Initiative Aimed at Expanding Options

Seattle aspires to be a welcoming city where people of all backgrounds feel they belong and can build a stable and fulfilling life. Our current housing affordability crisis represents a major challenge to this vision. The City of Seattle and its partners have a long history of addressing housing affordability… [ Keep reading ]

Mayor, Council Unveil Affordability and Growth Plan

Mayor Tim Burgess and Councilmember Rob Johnson proposed a plan to implement Mandatory Housing Affordability (MHA) requirements on new development across Seattle that will meet the City’s goal of at least 6,000 new rent-restricted homes for low-income people over the next decade. “Today we continue our push to address Seattle’s… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle’s recent housing construction focused in urban villages

Over the last 18 months, Seattle has added more than 10,000 new homes, with 85 percent of all housing construction occurring inside the city’s urban centers and urban villages, according to recent permitting and construction data published in the Urban Center / Village Growth Report. Seattle’s urban villages are identified… [ Keep reading ]

City extends comment period on evaluation of citywide Mandatory Housing Affordability

SEATTLE (July 6, 2017) –Today the Seattle Office of Planning and Community Development (OPCD) extended the public comment period until August 7 on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement that studies three alternatives for zoning changes needed to implement Mandatory Housing Affordability (MHA) in Seattle’s urban villages and other commercial and… [ Keep reading ]

City Evaluates Zoning Changes for Mandatory Housing Affordability

Today the Seattle Office of Planning and Community Development (OPCD) issued a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) that studies three alternatives for zoning changes needed to implement Mandatory Housing Affordability (MHA) in Seattle’s urban villages and other commercial and multifamily residential zones across the city. MHA helps ensure that as… [ Keep reading ]

Mayor Murray Unveils Affordable Housing Proposal for Chinatown-International District

SEATTLE (April 14, 2017) – Mayor Ed Murray has sent legislation to City Council that will require new development in the Chinatown-International District to contribute to affordable housing, producing at least 150 new affordable homes over the next decade. The zoning change will implement the Housing Affordability and Livability Agenda’s… [ Keep reading ]