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Posts categorized under Equitable Development Initiative Archives - The Daily Plan It Blog

Mayor Harrell Announces $22 Million to Community Organizations Through the Equitable Development Initiative

Mayor Bruce Harrell announced $22 million in awards to 42 projects through the Equitable Development Initiative (EDI), part of the City’s effort to support property ownership among Seattle’s diverse communities in neighborhoods at high risk of displacement. This round of targeted EDI funding is intended to close critical funding gaps… [ Keep reading ]

Equitable Development Initiative 2024 Request for Proposals Now Open!

Apply here: The Equitable Development Initiative (EDI) Request for Proposals (RFP) is an opportunity for Community-based organizations working in Seattle on anti-displacement strategies, responding to creating new economic opportunities, improving educational outcomes, and other forms of community development. The EDI 2024 Program and Status Report showed that current grantees… [ Keep reading ]

Africatown Community Land Trust Celebrates the Opening of Africatown Plaza, a New Affordable Housing Building

“Africatown has provided a vision and opportunity to start to bring families back — to not only provide a place for people to raise their families but to celebrate African American culture and place making, to not only ensure that there isn’t further displacement, but to actually reverse that number… [ Keep reading ]

Africatown Plaza affordable housing project opens in Central District

By Shirah Matsuzawa for FOX 13 News If you drive through Seattle’s Central District, you might pass by the Africatown Plaza building. It’s a nod to culture and history and building up a community in more ways than one. “It’s a start, we still have a lot of work to do, but… [ Keep reading ]

Mayor Harrell’s 2025-2026 Proposed Budget for OPCD

Earlier this week, Mayor Bruce Harrell released the 2025-2026 Proposed Budget. In this budget, Mayor Harrell is continuing to make needed investments and take bold action to address the urgent needs of our communities and advance our One Seattle priorities. Mayor Harrell’s balanced budget proposal remains focused on strengthening public… [ Keep reading ]

Upcoming EDI Report to City Council

The Equitable Development Initiative (EDI) is at the heart of our commitment to support communities most affected by displacement pressures. Through the EDI grant program, we empower local organizations to acquire sites and develop major capital projects, while also providing the necessary support for organizations that are new to this… [ Keep reading ]

EDI Partner Profile: Arte Noir

ARTE NOIR in the Central District is a non-profit arts organization that features Black artists not only from Seattle but from all over the world. Founded by Vivian Phillips, a passionate arts leader with decades of experience advocating for Seattle’s creative community, ARTE NOIR emerged in May 2021 as an… [ Keep reading ]

Cham Refugees Community of Seattle EDI Update: Where Are They Now?

The Cham Refugees Community of Seattle (CRC) is a nonprofit organization that provides Islamic educational, social, and cultural relevant services to Cham and other ethnic minorities in South Seattle and South King County for over 30 years. In May of 2021, we featured our Equitable Development Initiative (EDI) partner for Asian American Native Hawaiian… [ Keep reading ]

Friends of Little Saigon EDI Update: Where are They Now?

Back in 2021, we shared a community profile about Friends of Little Saigon (FLS), an Equitable Development Initiative (EDI) partner, who were in the planning processes for their Little Saigon Landmark Project. The Little Saigon Landmark Project seeks to address displacement amongst local businesses and development pressures due to rising rents and is envisioned to… [ Keep reading ]

Three New Equitable Transit Oriented Development (ETOD) Request for Proposals (RFP) Now Open

We are seeking consultants to support three ETOD projects and strategies. Learn more about these opportunities below. The full RFPs and all associated documents can be found at the City’s Consultant Connection website. For more information, email Jenna Franklin at ETOD Community Advisory Group Strategy Facilitation We are seeking… [ Keep reading ]