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Africatown Community Land Trust Celebrates the Opening of Africatown Plaza, a New Affordable Housing Building

“Africatown has provided a vision and opportunity to start to bring families back — to not only provide a place for people to raise their families but to celebrate African American culture and place making, to not only ensure that there isn’t further displacement, but to actually reverse that number… [ Keep reading ]

Africatown Plaza affordable housing project opens in Central District

By Shirah Matsuzawa for FOX 13 News If you drive through Seattle’s Central District, you might pass by the Africatown Plaza building. It’s a nod to culture and history and building up a community in more ways than one. “It’s a start, we still have a lot of work to do, but… [ Keep reading ]

A Work in Progress: USDOT’s Reconnecting Communities Pilot

Seattle among the 15 cities to join C40’s Reinventing Cities global competition to accelerate zero-carbon, resilient and inclusive urban development

Reinventing Cities, C40’s global competition to transform underutilized urban sites into innovative, zero-carbon and resilient urban projects, launched its fourth edition today. The new edition invites creativeprofessionals worldwide—including architects, planners, developers, investors, environmentalists and start-ups—to design and develop urban projects of the future. This year, 15 world-leading cities are calling… [ Keep reading ]

Guide City Investments and Help Build a More Equitable Seattle — Join the Equitable Development Initiative Advisory Board

The City’s Equitable Development Initiative (EDI) is recruiting community members to help create a more equitable future where everyone can thrive —regardless of race, place, or means. EDI originated from community organizations advocating against displacement and insufficient investment in Seattle’s communities of color. EDI projects support community ownership, resilience, cultural… [ Keep reading ]

Duwamish Valley Program 2023 Mid-Year Update 

This year marks a big year for the Duwamish Valley Program. In June of 2018, the City released the Duwamish Valley Action Plan, which has been our north star as we coordinate City investments in South Park and Georgetown. This summer, the Action Plan celebrated its 5th year anniversary of… [ Keep reading ]

City of Seattle Launching 20 Year Plan for Northgate

Northgate residents, commuters, and visitors invited to shape new community vision Northgate is one of five urban centers in the City of Seattle undergoing a planning process that will define a community vision and develop neighborhood-specific policies for public services, transportation, economy, housing, and land use. Along with the other… [ Keep reading ]

Indigenizing Public Transit Design, November 7

haʔł sləx̌il txʷəl gʷəlapu / kia ora / hello The Indigenous Advisory Council, Seattle Design Commission, and co-sponsor Seattle City Council President Debora Juarez (Blackfeet) invite you to Indigenizing Public Transit Design: Learning from Māori Approaches to Transit Stations in Tāmaki Makaurau, Aotearoa (Auckland, New Zealand) with Māori changemaker, Elisapeta… [ Keep reading ]

Righting the Wrongs of Racist Covenants

This year, Washington Gov. Jay Inslee signed House Bill 1474 to create the covenant homeownership account and program to address the history of housing discrimination due to racially restrictive real estate covenants in Washington state. According to the Seattle Civil Rights & Labor History Project: It establishes in its first paragraphs… [ Keep reading ]

2023-2024 Proposed Mid-Biennial Budget Adjustments

Today, Mayor Bruce Harrell is releasing the 2023-2024 Proposed Mid-Biennial Budget Adjustments. This budget reflects Mayor Harrell’s continued commitment to, and investment in, bold actions that address urgent needs of our communities and advance our One Seattle priorities. Mayor Harrell’s proposal continues work initiated in the 2023 Adopted Budget to… [ Keep reading ]