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One Duwamish Valley: Celebrating Community Resilience and City Investments

Come to the South Park Pump Station grand opening event to recognize the completion of the pump station and to celebrate the 5th year anniversary of the Duwamish Valley Action Plan!

Seattle Public Utilities will present information about upcoming wet weather season and what you can do to help prepare yourself for flooding, as well as updates on the City’s broader flood response work. Other City departments will provide updates on on-going work in the Duwamish Valley. There will be brief remarks by public officials and community leaders, followed by time to explore the area.

You can take a self-guided walking tour of the campus and the drainage and street improvements in the area. Lunch is provided for free!

Saturday September 30, 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
South Park Pump Station 636 S Riverside Drive, Seattle, WA 98108

Celebrate the 5th year anniversary of the release of the Duwamish Valley Action Plan, the opening of the South Park Pump Station, and the completion of the first phase of major roadway and conveyance improvement projects. It also marks approximately 6-8 months since high tide inundation greatly impacted part of South Park.

There are three overlapping goals for this event:

  1. Highlight the essential role of community leadership in identifying priorities for continued City investments to improve South Park and Georgetown.
  2. Engage with residents and businesses on flooding-related investments and on flooding preparedness actions. 
  3. Enjoy the day!

Here is what to expect throughout the event:

  • Opening remarks by invited dignitaries
  • South Park Pump Station and the Roadway/Conveyance Project Phase 1 completion celebration
  • Tabling and information sharing
    • “Why does it flood” demonstration
    • Duwamish Valley Action Team (IDT)
    • Flood Preparedness information
    • CIP Project info (SPWQF, Roadway/conveyance Ph 2)
    • Arts celebration (1% art funded pieces)
  • Food and entertainment by local artists
  • Self-guided tour of pump station and drainage and conveyance work
  • Duwamish Valley youth engagement

We hope to see you all there!

¡Únase al evento de inauguración en el South Park Pump Station para reconocer la finalización de la estación de bombeo y para celebrar el quinto aniversario del Plan de Acción de Valle Duwamish!

Seattle Public Utilities presentará información sobre la próxima temporada de lluvias y que se puede hacer para prepararse para las inundaciones, así como actualizaciones sobre el trabajo de respuesta a inundaciones de la Ciudad. Otros departamentos de la Ciudad presentarán información sobre el trabajo en curso en el Valle Duwamish. Habrán comentarios breves por funcionarios públicos y líderes comunitarios, seguido de tiempo para explorar el área.

Puede realizar un recorrido a pie autoguiado por el campus y las mejoras de drenaje y calles en el área. ¡El almuerzo se proporciona gratis!

Cuándo: Sábado 30 de septiembre, 11 a. m. a 2 p. m.

Dónde: South Park Pump Station 636 S Riverside Drive, Seattle, WA 98108