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Posts tagged with zoning Archives - The Daily Plan It Blog

Seattle Planning Commission Releases “Neighborhoods for All” Report

Planning Commission: Creating ‘Neighborhoods for All’ Changes to single-family zoning necessary for the city’s future, report concludes Restoring the flexibility in housing types seen in Seattle’s historic residential neighborhoods is critical if the city is to achieve its goals of being a diverse, equitable and sustainable place to live, according… [ Keep reading ]

Guest Blogger: Incentive Zoning Update by Brennon Staley

We have released an initial proposal to update Incentive Zoning. This effort began in 2014 but was put on hold due to the Housing Affordability and Livability Agenda (HALA). Using input received in 2014 and recent analysis, we have created an initial proposal for public discussion. We are looking for feedback on this initial proposal… [ Keep reading ]

Mayor, Council Unveil Affordability and Growth Plan

Mayor Tim Burgess and Councilmember Rob Johnson proposed a plan to implement Mandatory Housing Affordability (MHA) requirements on new development across Seattle that will meet the City’s goal of at least 6,000 new rent-restricted homes for low-income people over the next decade. “Today we continue our push to address Seattle’s… [ Keep reading ]

City Evaluates Zoning Changes for Mandatory Housing Affordability

Today the Seattle Office of Planning and Community Development (OPCD) issued a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) that studies three alternatives for zoning changes needed to implement Mandatory Housing Affordability (MHA) in Seattle’s urban villages and other commercial and multifamily residential zones across the city. MHA helps ensure that as… [ Keep reading ]

City issues preliminary proposal to guide growth in Uptown Urban Center

After more than three years of engaging community members in envisioning a vibrant future for the Uptown neighborhood, the Seattle Office of Planning and Community Development (OPCD) today issued a preliminary rezone recommendation. The proposal will result in an estimated 600 new affordable homes, neighborhood design standards that respond to… [ Keep reading ]

City Council: Understanding the University District Rezone

Understanding the University District Rezone