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Posts categorized under Neighborhood Planning Archives - Page 23 of 23 - The Daily Plan It Blog

Mayor nominates Sam Assefa to lead Office of Planning and Community Development

Mayor Ed Murray announced he is nominating Sam Assefa – the senior urban designer for the City of Boulder, Colorado – as the next director of Seattle’s Office of Planning and Community Development (OPCD). Prior to Boulder, Assefa served as Director of Land Use and Planning Policy for the City… [ Keep reading ]

She is a civil servant and a servant for civil rights

The retiring director of Seattle’s Department of Planning and Development talks about her tenure and growing up as a Japanese-American in post World War II Seattle. Source: Puget Sound Business Journal

Welcome to the Daily Plan It!

Welcome to the Daily Plan It! Welcome to our blog! We are the Office of Planning and Community Development (OPCD). We lead long-range and community planning. We were previously part of Seattle DPD, now called the Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections (Seattle DCI). Seattle DCI continues core regulatory work,… [ Keep reading ]