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Bob Santos, 1934-2016

“Uncle Bob” Santos, a longtime Seattle activist who advocated for civil rights and preservation of the Chinatown/International District, passed away on August 27. Dubbed the unofficial Mayor of the Chinatown/International District, Uncle Bob was the executive director of the International District Improvement Association (Inter*Im) from 1972-1989 and regional director of… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle Channel Video Features Our New Approach to Planning

At the beginning of this year, the Department of Planning and Development split into two departments, us and Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections. Watch this new Seattle Channel video on how we’ve been doing since then and how we’re approaching city planning in a new way. Our story begins… [ Keep reading ]

Uptown Rezone Draft Environmental Impact Statement

You are invited to an open house and public hearing to discuss potential environmental impacts of rezoning, and how it will shape your neighborhood’s future. Meeting Details Thursday, August 4 Seattle Center Armory, Lofts 3 & 4 5:00-6:00 p.m. – Open House 6:00-8:00 p.m. – Public Hearing The Seattle Office… [ Keep reading ]

Council Adopts Rezone Legislation for Bitter Lake Village

On July 25 Seattle City Council adopted legislation to amend the Land Use Code to rezones sites in the Bitter Lake Village Hub Urban Village and to amend development standards. The zoning proposals are based on an inclusive planning process that led to the Broadview – Bitter Lake – Haller… [ Keep reading ]

Public input sought on guiding growth in Uptown Urban Center

After more than two years of gathering public input on the future of Uptown, the Office of Planning and Community Development (OPCD) today issued three options to guide expected growth in the Uptown Urban Center. The options important to the community include new design guidelines to improve walkability and connections… [ Keep reading ]

Chinatown/International District/Little Saigon Sustainable Neighborhood Assessment Update

A team from Global Green USA completed its site visit to Chinatown/International District, including Little Saigon, May 9-11. The site visit is part of their Neighborhood Sustainability Assessment for the Chinatown/International District based on the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design – Neighborhood Development (LEED – ND) standards. The assessment… [ Keep reading ]

Little Brook Creek Tour

Several city departments took a tour of Little Brook Creek in Lake City on May 26 to learn more about the environmental impacts to the creek. Led by Jonathan Frodge of SPU, the group was able to see the creek up close on both public and private properties, learning about… [ Keep reading ]

Don’t Miss Our April Lake City Office Hours

Staff from Seattle’s Department of Neighborhoods and Office of Planning and Community Development, and Chris Leverson, executive director of Lake City Future First (LCFF), will be hosting office hours at the Lake City library on: Wednesday, April 6 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. Friday, April 15 3:30 to 5:50 p.m. We… [ Keep reading ]

Proposed Legislation Submitted for Bitter Lake Village

We have sent proposed legislation to the City Council to amend development standards and to rezone land in the Bitter Lake Village Hub Urban Village. Our zoning proposals are based on an inclusive planning process that included the Broadview – Bitter Lake – Haller Lake Neighborhood Plan update and the Bitter… [ Keep reading ]

Implementing HALA Recommendations

In 2015, the Mayor challenged a Housing Affordability and Livability Agenda (HALA) advisory committee to create a plan to generate a net increase of 50,000 units of housing – 20,000 units of affordable housing and 30,000 new units of market rate housing – over the next ten years.  The committee… [ Keep reading ]