This sixteen-member Commission of neighbors care about the future of our city. Commissioners have a broad range of skills and perspectives that include land use and transportation planning, community organizing, architecture and design, public health, low-income housing development, and community engagement. Commissioners are volunteers, serving without compensation for up to two terms, each term lasting three years.
They advise the Mayor, City Council, and City departments on citywide planning goals, policies, and plans and provide them with independent advice on land use, zoning, transportation, housing and related issues. The Commission is also the steward of the City’s Comprehensive Plan, the citywide vision for how Seattle grows.
They are looking for diverse voices that bring to light issues facing all parts of the city and who can share professional and lived experience from across Seattle’s various communities. They are looking for applicants who:
▪ have a strong understanding of racial equity, and the impacts of racialized policies and practices in the field of planning,
▪ bring a commitment to making Seattle a great place to live and have interest in, knowledge of, or professional experience in land use, zoning, or other aspects of planning,
▪ have a commitment to community-building and community engagement,
▪ understand transportation investments and how they impact the neighborhoods around them,
▪ can speak to the needs of affordable housing and/or understand what role affordability plays in the city, and
▪ have a passion for communicating planning topics to a diverse audience.
Applicants must be current resident of Seattle and be able to attend a minimum of three Commission meetings per month (currently being held in a hybrid in-person/online format), with occasional community meetings as needed.
To be considered for appointment to the Commission, please send a letter of interest and resume by May 20th, 2024 via email to:
Vanessa Murdock, Executive Director
If post is preferred, please send to:
Seattle Planning Commission
PO Box 94788
Seattle WA 98124-7088
If you have questions, or would like to speak to current commissioners about their role, please contact Vanessa Murdock, Executive Director via e-mail at
The Seattle Planning Commission seeks new commissioners!
by April 29, 2024