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NE 130th and 145th Station Area Planning Open House Event, March 13!

Over the next 12 years, faster and more frequent transit service is coming to North Seattle with the Sound Transit light rail system expansion. The NE 130th & 145th Station Area Planning project is an opportunity for the community to come together and create a vision for the area surrounding the future light rail stations.

Join us for our first Open House on Wednesday, March 13, at Ingraham High School (1819 N 134th St), 6:00-8:00 p.m.

We initiated this planning process to engage City departments, public agencies and the community to consider what changes this regional investment may bring and how it can benefit current and future residents, as well as those working and enjoying recreation in the area.

Working closely with the community, the City will draft and adopt a plan to implement the community vision, including:

  • Plan for future changes, services and other opportunities near the stations.
  • Design sidewalks, bikeways and street improvements to make it easy to walk or bike to the station.
  • Coordinate and prioritize City investments to achieve multiple benefits.
  • Improve the capacity of the neighborhood to advocate for community goals.

For more information about the project, visit