We are excited to be involved in this year’s Seattle Design Festival, founded in 2011 as a strategic initiative of AIA Seattle to promote public dialogue and community engagement about the role and impact of design in urban life. Join us at the festival as a follow up to our Office to Residential competition held earlier this Spring.
What We Need to Thrive in a Future Seattle Downtown (Sunday, August 20)
Explore innovative proposals submitted to our Office-to-Residential Conversion Visions for Seattle Downtown through a pop-up Cyanotype Word Art activity. Cyanotype is a 170-year-old photographic printing process that produces prints in a distinctive dark greenish-blue. Imagine our downtown neighborhoods filled to the brim with live, work, and playful activities. What do you and your community need to thrive downtown? What could a future downtown Seattle look like?
Conversation About Office-to-Residential Conversion Visions for Seattle Downtown (Wednesday, August 23)
Our Director Rico Quirindongo sits down with winners of our Call for Ideas: Office-to-Residential Conversion Visions for Seattle Downtown competition to discuss their proposals. Hear where they drew inspiration, what challenges they wrestled with, and their hopes for the future of Seattle’s downtown communities.
Visit seadesignfest.org for more information about the festival and other events happening that week. See you there!