We are excited to have our interns at the office and are already benefiting from their contributions!
Rosa Ammon-Ciaglo is a graduate student at the UW Evans School of Public Policy. She is doing research and coordinating public engagement to help design indicators for the Equitable Development Monitoring Program.
Lauren Wong is our Chinatown International District (CID) Intern. In this position, Lauren is working with OPCDs CID Framework and Implementation Plan project managers, members of the City’s interdepartmental team (IDT) and CID community partners, to help develop elements of the CID Framework and Implementation Plan. She is also working with OPCD’s communications team on updating and refreshing our CID webpage. Lauren is a graduate student at the University of Washington pursuing a Masters’ Degree in Landscape Architecture. She most recently held an internship position with the Seattle Chinatown International District Preservation and Development Authority, and also interned with InterIm CDA working in the Danny Woo Community Garden. Her experience working in the CID community, along with excellent graphics and research/writing skills, is helping us move our work forward.
Mary Xiao is working with our urban designer Garry Papers, conducting a systematic assessment of various downtown plazas and public spaces, analyzing the user amenity and urban design qualities of each space. Mary is a UW graduate student in the Urban Design & Planning program.
Dagiem Alemu joins us from the Seattle Youth Employment Program and is working with OPCD planner Katie Sheehy for our Equitable Development Initiative. He graduated from Seattle University’s Middle College High School and will begin classes at Seattle Central Community College in the fall to study business. He looks forward to learning more about equitable development and how it will benefit communities.