On June 23, 2022, the Office of Planning and Community Development issued a notice of SEPA Determination of Significance and Request for Comments on Scope of EIS with a comment period running from June 23, 2022 to July 25, 2022. Through this notice, the comment period is now extended to August 22, 2022.
The City of Seattle is conducting a major update of its Comprehensive Plan and implementing development regulation with the goal of adopting a new plan in 2024 (referred to as “One Seattle Plan”). Seattle’s goal is to make the city more equitable, livable, sustainable, and resilient for today’s communities and future residents.
The Major Update will reflect community needs and desires through a robust public engagement process, fulfill new requirements of the Growth Management Act (RCW 36.70A), and plan for growth for the period of 2024-2044. As part of this analysis, the City proposes to analyze five different alternatives, including a no action alternative, evaluating different approaches to accommodating housing and job growth to the year 2044. In addition, the proposal will include changes to the 130th and 145th Street Station Area Plan and options for the City to streamline future environmental review in that area, which may include a planned action (RCW 43.21c.440), or infill exemption (RCW 43.21C.229), or other tools available under state legislation (e.g., SB 5818). The proposal could also incorporate sub-area plans for Urban Centers as well as Manufacturing and Industrial Centers.
The Seattle Transportation Plan Update process, currently underway and run by Seattle Department of Transportation, will provide a separate EIS to test multimodal transportation system changes. Close coordination will occur between the Major Update and the Seattle Transportation Plan Update.
Location of Proposal: City of Seattle city limits.
Proponent: City of Seattle Office of Planning & Community Development
EIS required: The Director of the Office of Planning & Community Development has determined this proposal is likely to have a “significant adverse impact” on the environment under Ch. 43.21C RCW, the State Environmental Policy Act (or SEPA). An environmental impact statement (EIS) is required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c) and will be prepared.
The lead agency has identified the following areas for study in the EIS to determine if there are any significant environmental impacts:
- Earth and water quality
- Air quality and greenhouse gas emissions
- Plants and animals
- Energy and natural resources
- Noise
- Land use patterns and urban form
- Historic Resources
- Relationship to plans, policies, and regulations
- Population, employment, and housing
- Transportation
- Public Services: Police, Fire/Emergency Services, Parks, and Schools
- Utilities
Equity and climate resilience objectives will be developed across the environmental element studied.
More information on the EIS process and alternatives as well as materials related to the proposal may be reviewed on the project website: http://www.seattle.gov/opcd/one-seattle-plan.
Agencies, affected tribes, and members of the public are invited to comment on the scope of the EIS. You may comment on alternatives, mitigation measures, probable significant adverse impacts, and licenses or other approvals that may be required. The method and deadline for providing comments is as follows:
Comments may be submitted 3 ways:
- On the Comprehensive Plan Update engagement platform at engage.oneseattleplan.com
- By email to brennon.staley@seattle.gov
- By letter to OPCD at the address below:
Brennon Staley
Office of Planning and Community Development
P.O. Box 94788
Seattle, WA 98124-7088
The deadline for agencies, tribes, and the general public to submit scoping comments is 5:00 p.m., August 22, 2022.
Scoping meetings will be held online on June 29 and July 19. For additional information regarding the meetings please visit the project website at www.seattle.gov/opcd/one-seattle-plan.