As part of the City of Seattle’s plan for the 2020 Census, we recognize the critical role that ethnic media organizations play in engaging historically undercounted communities. Based on this fact and through community feedback, the City of Seattle will make grants available to these organizations to promote and publicize the 2020 Census. A total of $150,000 will be available with funds awarded up to $20,000.
Download the Request for Proposals (RFP) which outlines the criteria, eligibility, and timeline to apply for the grants. To learn more about this funding opportunity, there will be two informational Call-in sessions on Friday, December 6:
Call 1: Friday, December 6, 10:00 – 11:00 a.m.
Dial: (206) 386-1200, 6370899#
Conference ID: 6370899
Call 2: Friday, December 6, 5:00 – 6:00 p.m.
Dial: (206) 386-1200, 703483#
Conference ID: 703483
The deadline for submission is Monday, December 16. Applicants will be notified the first week of January.
If you have questions about the RFP or need technical assistance or in language, please contact Sunny Ysa at .